
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Stitched Birthday


IC967 - Carla Bank Art and Pinterest - INSPIRATION

For my card, I pulled out this Spellbinders die cut and used more of the floss that is being stored on the back of my craft chair. I am trying to use up this floss as it does not store well with my other floss.

Once the stitching was done, I layered the card front on a coordinating orange and then punched out the label and added the birthday sentiment.

Thank you for stopping by to check out my card today. I appreciate the lovely comments. If you leave me a comment, I can stop by your blog for a visit.

Stitched Birthday


  1. Isn't this just so colourful Lisa, the sticking design is something so different and really effective. Treatment you mentioned, hmmm, jury's still out and yesterday delightful news, kidney stones here there and everywhere (again)!

    B x

  2. Wow that really gives a lovely texture and a very different look…great card xxx

  3. Wow a beautiful stitched card in beautiful vibrant colors Lisa. A little ray of sunshine on this grey day in the Netherlands.
    Greetings Miranda

  4. I love the colors of these pretty stitched scallops and your handy work made for one fabulous birthday card too! NJ

  5. This is brilliant. I love it, especially those vibrant colours. What a great way to use you that floss xx

  6. Beautiful card Lisa, I love the stitched pattern.
    Liz xx

  7. This is just so beautiful Lisa, full of colour and texture, such a lovely pattern too, Kate x

  8. Love the stitching and the colours are gorgeous, a really beautiful card Lisa.

  9. Wow! What a beautiful card this is. It must take you ages to stitch this front panel, great work.

  10. Your embroidery thread colors truly make this come alive and you've stitched it so well. xoxo

  11. Beautiful stitching really makes this card pop!

  12. Gosh this looks amazing and so colourful a beautiful stitched card
    lolo x

  13. Gorgeous colors in your stitching, makes a pretty design!

  14. Wow, This is stunning Lisa! I love the bright colors you've used for your floss and it's such a special card with stitching! Beautiful!

  15. I’m catching up yet again Lisa, apologies. This is an amazing card, beautiful stitching and colours, so much patience for the neatness on your card, I really admire you for that.
