
Monday, June 17, 2024

Aww Shucks

CAS799 - National Eat Your Veggies

For my card, I stamped and colored this fun Jadded Blossom image and stamped the sentiment cutting them with the coordinating die cuts.

For the base layer, I sponged brown, yellow and blue and spritzed with water. I then popped the image and sentiment up on dimensionals.

Thank you for stopping by to check out my card today. I appreciate the lovely comments. If you leave me a comment, I can stop by your blog for a visit.

Aww Shucks!


  1. Your should see the smile your card gave me!…I just love it xxxx

  2. What a lovely fun card Lisa, love that image its brilliant. xx

  3. This is just the cutest belated birthday card ever! I can't stop giggling at those big eyes and teeth in the corn and that sentiment has got to be the funniest one I've ever seen!

  4. Brilliant card Lisa- the fun image and sentiment are just perfect together, gorgeous inky background too.

  5. Lol, oh what a fabulous fun card Lisa a great image and sentiment
    lolo x

  6. I just chuckled when I saw the teeth on the corn cob! LOL Really fun card with fantastic colors and that pun is too cute! I hope you will consider entering this card for the challenge over at Sparkles Monthly as this would be perfect for it!

  7. Oh this just makes me smile, love those two front teeth showing, great blended backgound!

  8. OH! What a great chuckle I had from this fun card, it's certain to make the recipient not mind your card being late. x
